Saturday 18 August 2012

Chick Production Line............

For those of you that follow my blog you will probably be aware that other than crafting my other passion is Jetskiing. Most of my summer is usually spent on the water with some great friends, I say usually as the weather has really put paid to my time out this summer. As you can imagine this is quite a male dominated sport but there is a group of us that "do it for the girls" lol. We get called "the jetski chicks" so I thought I would celebrate our title with a matching Tshirt for us all. Call in my Silhouette Cameo........ I treated myself recently and all I can say is that I love this machine. I have had a cricut expression for a couple of years now but never really bonded with it, I cannot say the same about the silhouette, I just can't stop playing with it. I have plans to vinyl decor, rhinestone & Tshirt transfer to within an inch of my life, given half the chance, watch this space!!! For me it is just so much more flexible than my cricut expression.
Anyway the tshirts

 These Tshirts have be made using silhouette Tshirt transfer paper (light fabric), my first attempt. The great thing about tshirt transfer on the Silhouette is that it cuts just the image out so you get a really neat finish of just the image, no blank space.The image is from the silhoutte store and I have added the text on, the fact that you can use any text you have on your PC is for me a huge plus in the silhouette V's cricut war. The girls don't know that I have made these so I will hopefully get chance to give them out over the weekend. I'll have to post a picture of us all wearing them!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend
Amanda X

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