Thursday 7 April 2016

Just Clowning Around

Hi everyone
Well I hope you feel better than me as I am full of a cold, that to be honest, I could do without. 
I have been sewing again, I'm loving making these art dolls and I am learning more about sewing as I construct them and really enjoying the learning process. 

Meet Clarissa the Clown

Clarissa stands over 17" tall from head to toe and has been constructed from both new and vintage fabrics and buttons. Stitching is a combination of machine free motion and utility and finished with some hand stitching.

Aged effect has been added using inks. 

I hope you like her

See you all soon
Amanda X


  1. LOVE love love him! He's just so utterly brilliant, Amanda,

    and a magical piece of art! xxx

  2. Oooops, just realise your clown is a she. Sorry, Clarissa! ;)

  3. You sure are good! You just let me know when you start your shop!!!!
    sandy xx

  4. Now then stranger, sorry to hear you're not feeling so well, but love, love, love your little creative clown xx

  5. Oh my stars and garters Amanda-Clarissa is so INCREDIBLY FUN - eheheheheh!!! I mean - I have had days in my life where I am sure I looked just like her so she could be a clown or not a clown!!!! WONDERFUL WONDERFUL. Xj.

  6. She is fabulous, Amanda !
    Corrie x

  7. Ooh Clarissa is one funky clown isn't she, love her hair and her quirky dress sense. I can see you opening an Etsy shop selling for me first please ;)
    No.1 fan hugs

  8. Clarissa, looks awesome Amanda. Hope you feel better soon.
    Yvonne xx

  9. She's fabulous - full of character and witty touches like the differently sized arms and legs... I'm not sure I'd want to meet her on a dark night though!
    Alison x

  10. wow she looks fabulous. I hope you feel better soon!
    Groetjes Karin

  11. This is so creative, really nice how this works out.
    You rock!

  12. Only just got over my cold Amanda but it has left a hacking cough that I can't get rid of so won't get to close to you.

    OMG she is amazing and I think she is pretty also (well someone has to love her). Seriously I love her to bits. Great work sweets.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x


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