Thursday 6 October 2016

Featured in MixedUp Magazine

Hi Everyone

I am delighted to share with you that I am featured in the debut edition of a fabulous new digital magazine "Mixed Up" This is the brain child of Katy Leitch who's name you might recognise as the previous editor of Craft Stamper magazine. Katy has gathered together some of the best mixed media artists for her first edition and I am flattered to be included.  You will find the Magazine details HERE and on Facebook HERE
Here's my page
My piece is part of a feature using That's Crafty Acrylic stacks that you can buy HERE

To buy or subscribe to MixedUp Magazine you will find all the details you need HERE

Amanda X


  1. Yay, very modern piece of arty art and what better way for a new magazine to feature my favourite artiste ;)
    No.1 fan hugs

  2. Oh, how exciting - bravo you! And what an amazing piece of artwork.
    Alison x

  3. Looks fantastic Amanda and huge congrats being featured xxx


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